Kaede Akamatsu

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Kaede Akamatsu -

Kaede Akamatsu.jpg

Age - 18 | Nicknames/Aliases - Kae/KaeKae (normal nickname/alias) and Kaede-chan, Kae-chan (called this by Shuichi while in relationship) | Gender - Female | Weight - 115 lbs | Chest Size (is this really needed) - 90 cm | Birth Date - March 26th, 1998 or something | Ships - KaeMew (with Okabe "Mew" Tadashi) and KaeHara (with Saihara Shuichi) | Talents/Abilities - Mind Reading, Telepathy, Tsundere Magic Strength, Implantation of Thoughts, Ultimate Pianist, Singing, Video Games