The Duff Corps

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The Duff Lantern Corps -

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The Duff Lantern Corps are a group of men and women who are quote "Duff". Duff is a combination of the words "Dark", and "Buff". The men of the Duff Corps get big muscles, while the women get...well...... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) They have no powers of any existing Lantern corps. Their leader, Buff Riku can convert non-Lanterns into Duff Lanterns by separating a part of their soul from their body. He does this by grasping the victim's head and channeling lightning through his arm to spark the Soul Piece out of the victim, which creates a spirit of their Duff counterpart. At any time, Buff Riku can give the Duff Spirit the Soul Piece to make them whole. Buff Riku can also deconvert a Duff Lantern back into the Soul Piece and restore the original's soul completely by doing the same process.


Buff Riku:

The leader. His darkness was reinvigorated by Despair Lantern George after some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and he gained the power of Buffness and Darkness.


Buff Sans: Buff Riku's right hand man, given the power of Duffness after Buff Riku held his hands romantically and transferred some of his power.


Teased Members

Duff Miu: Armed with her good looks and a pistol, her loyalty to the Duff Lantern Corps is never ending. Buff Riku made her heart skip a beat and she decided to join him.


Duff Angie: She can make artsy propaganda for the Duff Lantern Corps and does so at any interval she can get between her normal art. Her duffness has not reaches maximum capacity yet, as she lacks "certain talent".

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Duff Broly:

Duffbroly.png Duff Broly saw Buff Riku as a rival after seeing the Duff Lanterns wipe the floor with him in a fight. He trained for months, and suddenly Buff Riku tricked him into joining the Duff Lanterns, making Duff Broly unable to harm his superior, crushing his dream of beating Buff Riku in a fight.